Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 4 Essay Dialogue

Slow Food International
Torino, Italy 2010

This poster is of the slow food festival in Torino, Italy in 2010 which is held every other year. Slow food began years ago in 1989 when Carlo Petrini heard McDonald’s wanted to open one of its fast food restaurants in Rome. He gathered together a group of like minded people and they drove from Bra, Italy to Rome to protest. McDonald’s won of course and put its fast food restaurant near the famous Spanish Steps and The Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Carlo decided he would start a movement opposite fast food and called it “Slow Food”. Now, this festival is the largest in the world, people from all over the world come and participate as vendors and visitors. The motto of “Slow Food” is good, clean and fair. Slow Food International is committed to protecting the traditional ways of farming and sustainable quality foods. The ideal is agriculture that can offer the poorest area of the world development prospects that are based on wisdom of communities in harmony with the environment around them. Food heritage, that is historic, artistic or of social value is protected.
The philosophy states, “Eating is an agriculture act, and informed, discriminating consumers become co-producers. For them, food should be good, clean, and fair”. Good; as in tasty, flavorful and satisfying. Clean; Food produced in balance with the earth’s resources. Fair; respectful of social justice and concern from commercialism to consumer.
There are many networks around the world that believe in the Slow Food Ideal and have worked to help connect us globally. Italy and America have the largest amount following with France, Germany, Japan and so on. These networks of people are food producers, food communities, cooks and academics. They believe education and biodiversity is the path in which slow food distributes its messages to help stem the tide of junk, fast, and standardized food, so that endangered local cuisines, traditional products, vegetable species and animal breeds may be saved.
Slow food promotes many different projects including the Ark of Taste, which preserves and catalogues and draws public awareness to food products from around the world. Presidia, which engages small projects to help artisan food producers. Slow Food helps to conserve food heritage.
I will be going for the first time, I am excited to be a part of this worldwide event and I hope to bring many ideas home that I may share with the community and implement on my own. I love the idea of a world coming together in such a forum that is so simple and yet complex because of the world we now live in. I am passionate about food and believe we all deserve to know where our food comes from, how it is cultivated, raised, processed, and presented to the consumer. Food, clean environment and fairness are a right for all people and not a few. As you are reading this I would like for you to take away with you, a new view of where your food comes from, who produced it and was there an impact on the environment because of it.
“If we train our senses to understand and appreciate the pleasure of food; we also open our eyes to the world”.


  1. I enjoyed reading your paper. From what I can tell your thesis is " Slow Food helps to conserve food heritage" you did a good job introducting your topic and the history behind it. you also did a a good job of relating your thoughts back to the point of essay. I too also believe people should become more aware of where their food comes from. How do you become aware of where your food comes from? do you have a garden or do you look into food sources. just some thoughts? I dont really have any other ideas to add to your paper.
    Its funny how people think food just comes from the store, they dont realize that it comes from animals or from the earth.
    I like the topic you choose.

  2. I really liked you essay. When I saw this poster, I thought to myself what the heck is she talking about? Then, within the introduction I got your point of slow food and its importance and fell in love with your paper! My parents own a large, oganic farm in Sebastopol, mainly apples. Sebastopol is known for Gravenstein Apples, which was voted as a Slow Food top pick in California. I really liked this quote in your essay: “Eating is an agriculture act, and informed, discriminating consumers become co-producers. For them, food should be good, clean, and fair”. Good; as in tasty, flavorful and satisfying. Clean; Food produced in balance with the earth’s resources. Fair; respectful of social justice and concern from commercialism to consumer.
    I really dont have any suggestions, you covered everything. I like how you incorporated this into your life, how food impacts you. Thank you. Preston

  3. i really like the idea of the slow food and all it stands for but i thought i was reading an ad. not so must as an essay

  4. After reading your essay i do agree that slow food is great. We have too many fast food resturants in the world and that could be one reason for obesity. Your essay was written nicely and caught my attention throughout the whole thing and flowed well. The poster also caught my attention because I haven't heard of this before. I am Italian so anything going on in Italy is an interest of mine.
