Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Superman is breaking down the door"

In his writing, "Superman and Me", Sherman Alexie uses the phrase "Superman is Breaking Down the Door" four times in one paragraph, describing how he came to read so early. He looked at the pictures and what he saw and read through visual senses as to what was being played out in the comic. He saw Superman shatter the door into pieces. In the last paragraph of his writing Alexie tells the reader of the locked doors and throwing his weight against it to try and break through but the door holds.

Sherman Alexie visits the Reservation schools where he meets kids that have read his poems, short stories, and novels and are eager to see him. He also meets kids in the same schools who feel like doors have closed for them and they do not have the same eagerness as the others in their class to pick up a pencil or listen to his stories. As in the comic book Alexie read as a child, he to is trying to shatter the door some of these kids have closed and finds the door does not break. Maybe Alexie sees himself as superman and wants to save their lives with books. He believes books are their way through that door.


  1. I enjoyed this correlation as well. Breaking down the doors that stand between him and his goals and aspirations. That must be challenging to say the least. Feeling like you want to go through the door but can't and the only way is to break it down.


  2. I agree with you that Alexie is trying to be like Superman and help the children with the hardship of life on the reservation by breaking things down for them. Superman is the hero and that is what he is trying to do with his reading.

  3. I agree but also that Superman became a big part of his life so since superman helped him out i bet he felt like he should or could do the same for so many other people.

  4. I like that you're all exploring this image that appears several times in the text. What do you think about the way Alexie uses a pop-culture icon in his work to convey meaning? Superman, just the mention of him, conveys images and ideas to the reader.

    The notion of seeing oneself as superman in school or when encountering an obstacle is great!

  5. I miss that at first the breaking down the door but now that you have brought it to my attention and i have reed it over again a see what you are saying wow thank you I see if our own lives doors that have or need to be broken down

  6. I agree that he might be trying to emulate superman in saving and educating the students he visits. The superman comic seamed to play a huge part in his reading and his education and I think the idea of breaking down the door can be used for every aspect of his life. I like how you brought this to the for front of the story.

  7. Hi Mary,
    I totally agree that he was using breaking down the door as a way of saying he was breaking down the barriers he had to deal with in his life.

  8. I really liked how you explained your quote. I also agree with you about Alexie trying to be superman and trying to save students lifes by visiting their schools. With books, Alexie became very smart and wants to help his students realize that they as well could be smart.
