Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mary Marincik Week 2

Hello Class,

This is Mary Marincik again. I have already said a few things about myself and now I will again let you in on a few personal joys that I am passionate about.

The first is a little insight about how I came to become a culinary student late in life. I have always been passionate about my family and food and I have gone the opposite direction because of being a single mom. The sole support of my children. Now my children are grown and have families of their own. Now I have grandchildren and saw an opportunity to help raise them to be ecological responsible citizens. This is where my other passion, food, has led me.
We are planting our own food and they are reaping the benefit of not only fresh, local, and sustainable food, but also learning to enjoy new foods they did not know about.
I am looking forward to having my own business with my daughter after I graduate and moving to a town in Missouri where my family now lives. My goal is to go further and learn about sustainable agriculture and having our own produce farm along with making Artisan breads and french pastry. I am a California native as are my children and grandchildren, we are sad to leave California however the opportunities to do what it is we want to do is greater in Missouri (land is relatively inexpensive).
I have never been one to have a journal and I have learned from Ms. Servais in class last year it is important to look back on what you have written and also what you leave on paper for family is insight as to the person you are. I want to be able to write it in a way that my grand kids will cherish and I feel I can do that if I learn to be a better writer. I like to get my work done, it takes me a while to get organized and I like to have my ducks in a row and good grades...:) I do not like to procrastinate and have always thought checking off that to do list is a way to declutter the mind.
Enjoy the class!


  1. Mary,

    I enjoyed reading your introduction. I love to see how you were able to take 2 passions and combine them to make a career for yourself. It takes courage to make changes later in life and I applaud you.

    I don't know much about Missouri but I wonder how well sustainable agriculture will be received? California often seems much more progressive than other States. Although there do seem to be cluster areas around the country where people are actively supporting local farmers.

    Good luck with the move and all of the changes.

    Megan Hede

  2. Hello
    well good luck with your future endeavors. Sustainable/organic farming seems to be a huge deal these days. My parents have a dairy farm in sonoma county. They ship the milk to Clover Stornetta where it gets processed. Clover is all about sustainable farming and such.
    Sonoma County is also huge on family farming and farmers markets. Too bad property is too expensive around here but good luck in Missouri.
    It is also funny how many people dont realize where food comes from. Some people dont think about the process of raising crops or animals for food. Farmers feed the world.

  3. Hi Mary,
    I'm glad you're taking another class with me, especially since you're graduating soon and will be moving to Missouri!

    I too love how you're bringing your two passions together and that you're going into business with your daughter.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about your future endeavors!
    Lauren :)

  4. wow good for you my first degree was in culinary art but i found out that the kitchen was not for me that i tis fun to play in but very stressful and a hard work wtg

  5. Hey Mary thanks for welcoming me to the class. It must be really exciting to almost be done with your AA in culinary art it's sounds like you have worked really hard to get there. Food is one of my passions as well but I think I'm better on eating it then cooking it. Well I wish you the best in Missouri as a California native myself I can see how hard it must be to move to a different state, but it should be a new good experience. Good luck in the class.Rosio

  6. Hello Mary,
    You will enjoy planting your own garden and eating fresh vegetables and fruits when they are available. We planted our garden about seven years ago and we enjoy eating fresh vegetables, fruits and using fresh herbs for cooking. I'm so glad you enjoy reading. I still like to hold a book and read it. I'm really not interested in reading from a computer or you? Have a great semester.
