Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rules for Writers Summary Chapter 4

Chapter four explains how to build paragraphs that are well developed, organized, and not to short or long. Focus of the paragraph is the main point and stating so in a topic sentence which the text says is a "one sentence summary of the paragraph". Topic sentences may come first in the paragraph, later as a transition from one paragraph to another or at the end. In addition chapter four shows how to develop the main point and provide the reader with evidence to convince. Consistencey is key so not to stray from one point of view to another and keeping in mind that your topic should resonate throughout the paper.
Number 4d, page 5o outlines several key points to keep in mind as a writer which will be very helpful to use as a reference. These key points are; linking ideas from paragraph to paragraph, using keywords, making the paragraph coherant and consistant. These points will help in building a foundation for writing essays in our class.
I know these points will work well for me. I seem to have great ideas but fail on delivering them in detail. Even though I seem to have given all the information I need to engage the reader I leave something out. This chapter will help me a great deal in developing my paragraphs and elaborating on information I give.

"Superman is breaking down the door"

In his writing, "Superman and Me", Sherman Alexie uses the phrase "Superman is Breaking Down the Door" four times in one paragraph, describing how he came to read so early. He looked at the pictures and what he saw and read through visual senses as to what was being played out in the comic. He saw Superman shatter the door into pieces. In the last paragraph of his writing Alexie tells the reader of the locked doors and throwing his weight against it to try and break through but the door holds.

Sherman Alexie visits the Reservation schools where he meets kids that have read his poems, short stories, and novels and are eager to see him. He also meets kids in the same schools who feel like doors have closed for them and they do not have the same eagerness as the others in their class to pick up a pencil or listen to his stories. As in the comic book Alexie read as a child, he to is trying to shatter the door some of these kids have closed and finds the door does not break. Maybe Alexie sees himself as superman and wants to save their lives with books. He believes books are their way through that door.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

rules for writers chapter 2- 3 summary

Sometimes making a draft is not as easy as it sounds, although doing so completely takes you in the direction you want to go. For me drafting is a tool I use to gather all the information I need and categorize and organize information. Specifically, freewrites, outlines, ideas, lists and so on. I do not work very hard on the thesis idea at the beginning because I later will usually come across it in my draft of ideas. I start out a little broad and then try to narrow it down and focus on just a few ideas. these ideas usually run together and then I can easily decide on the thesis.
Hooking the reader in the intro is fun because here you can be a little more creative on how you will do that. Even so you may change your mind later and that is where revising your information comes in so you can first decide who are your readers, is your thesis really the focus of your paper or have you gone off on a tangent somewhere else. Presenting ideas in order to keep the reader involved and connected to the content of what the body is saying.
Proof read your paper and let someone else read it also. By doing this you are able to pick out statements that are to broad or offer no real information on your subject.
So engage, hook, main point and clear statements, and revisiting the topic in the summary in a new perspective will help with wrting.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mary Marincik Week 2

Hello Class,

This is Mary Marincik again. I have already said a few things about myself and now I will again let you in on a few personal joys that I am passionate about.

The first is a little insight about how I came to become a culinary student late in life. I have always been passionate about my family and food and I have gone the opposite direction because of being a single mom. The sole support of my children. Now my children are grown and have families of their own. Now I have grandchildren and saw an opportunity to help raise them to be ecological responsible citizens. This is where my other passion, food, has led me.
We are planting our own food and they are reaping the benefit of not only fresh, local, and sustainable food, but also learning to enjoy new foods they did not know about.
I am looking forward to having my own business with my daughter after I graduate and moving to a town in Missouri where my family now lives. My goal is to go further and learn about sustainable agriculture and having our own produce farm along with making Artisan breads and french pastry. I am a California native as are my children and grandchildren, we are sad to leave California however the opportunities to do what it is we want to do is greater in Missouri (land is relatively inexpensive).
I have never been one to have a journal and I have learned from Ms. Servais in class last year it is important to look back on what you have written and also what you leave on paper for family is insight as to the person you are. I want to be able to write it in a way that my grand kids will cherish and I feel I can do that if I learn to be a better writer. I like to get my work done, it takes me a while to get organized and I like to have my ducks in a row and good grades...:) I do not like to procrastinate and have always thought checking off that to do list is a way to declutter the mind.
Enjoy the class!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mary Marincik week 1

My name is Mary Marincik. I have been going to the JC for 3 years and I am finally reaching my goal of a A.A. Degree in Culinary Arts and Restaurant Management. This is the last class and I will be able to graduate this May.
I have lived in Santa Rosa all my life. I have taken another course from Ms. Servais and I am excited to be back in her class again. I learned so much last class and appreciate English Writing even more. Good luck to all.

Mary Marincik